Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit if I'm Not Yet Sure Who Was at Fault?

Erie PA Personal Injury Lawyer

Many individuals who choose to move forward with a civil lawsuit in Pennsylvania know the other party’s identity and can easily stipulate that this other party was responsible for the injuries sustained in an accident. In certain situations, however, there could be multiple parties potentially responsible for your injuries. It is also possible that the identity of the party who caused the injuries or accident is not yet known. If that happens, you can still choose to move forward with a damages suit by naming a Jane Doe or John Doe defendant in your lawsuit.

There are several benefits to considering filing a lawsuit or consulting with an Erie personal injury attorney as soon as possible. These include:

  • Acting before the statute of limitations run out. You must file a personal injury claim as soon as possible after an accident. Waiting too long to file a claim could lead to your case being dismissed. Naming a Jane Doe defendant or John Doe defendant allows you to file a claim and stop the clock from running out even if all the responsible parties have not yet been identified.
  • Holding multiple parties responsible. Certain personal injury cases are very complicated. For example, a large commercial truck accident might have liable parties including the manufacturer of the parts, trailer or truck, the individual leasing the truck, the person driving it, the trucking company or the truck’s owner. Until you have initiated a lawsuit, you might not have enough information to name all the potentially responsible parties.
  • Using discovery to identify additional responsible parties. Once you file a lawsuit, this initiates the process of discovery, which means that the victim’s personal injury lawyer can begin gathering all the information to identify the responsible parties. Defendants are required to answer questions and to provide documents that are requested by the plaintiff. This information may prove essential in building a strong accident claim.

Talk To An Injury Lawyer About Your Rights To File A Lawsuit

You should consult with an Erie Pennsylvania personal injury attorney as soon as possible to determine what is the most appropriate plan of action for your specific situation. Each injury case is unique, based upon the facts and how those effect the people involved. Only an experienced accident attorney can tell you about your options if you’re not yet sure who you wish to pursue in court for liability. Get your free, confidential consultation to get started today.