Can a Criminal DUI Charge Impact My Erie Personal Injury Car Crash Lawsuit?
Many car crashes may be linked to criminal charges as well as personal injury litigation. You may have questions if you have recently been charged with DUI in the state of Pennsylvania about how your criminal charges will impact your civil car crash case. When you are charged with DUI, you may also be facing additional criminal charges tied to the fact that your accident caused severe injuries and property damage.
A conviction in a criminal court in Erie, Pennsylvania carries a high standard of proof, meaning beyond a reasonable doubt. and a conviction whether it is by a guilty verdict or a guilty plea is taken as proof of the conduct outlined in these criminal charges. If, for example, you are charged and convicted of DUI in the state of Pennsylvania and this relates to fault in a car accident, either as a result of bad intent, recklessness, or negligence, then there is substantial proof that the convicted driver is also responsible for the injuries. If you have been accused of drinking and driving in the state of Pennsylvania and you believe that you may also have your situation further complicated as a result of a civil personal injury case, you need a criminal defense lawyer who will work hard to represent your interests to the fullest.
A case involving criminal charges and potential civil issues requires partnering with an attorney you can trust. Simply put, there is too much on the line for your future to take the chance of hiring an inexperienced lawyer.
You need someone who is invested in the best possible outcome for you, working hard to investigate your case in full. Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Erie, Pennsylvania DUI attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you can speak with an attorney, the sooner he or she can begin investigating your case and determination of the most appropriate defense.