Pennsylvania State Police Participate In National Labor Day DUI Campaign

Pennsylvania State Police are participating in the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.
The campaign began on August 19 and continues through Labor Day Monday, September 5. During this time, law enforcement agencies will increase their efforts to identify and pull over drivers who are impaired by alcohol or drugs. Driver will likely see an increased presence through the Labor Day weekend.
The Three Most Important Things To Do After A DUI Stop
If you are stopped for driving under the influence during the Labor Day DUI crackdown, remain calm. Being charged with DUI does not mean you are guilty. You have the right to retain legal counsel to fight your DUI charge.
After you are released from police custody, write down everything you remember. Nothing is too insignificant. The smallest detail could be very important for your legal defense. Write down when and where you were stopped; the reason the officer gave you for pulling you over; whether you took a breath test and the details about the breath test; and, if there were any eyewitnesses. We tend to forget things as time passes; therefore, write down the details of your DUI stop as soon as possible while it is fresh on your mind.
In your online social media accounts are not set at the highest privacy setting, change the settings immediately. All of your accounts should have the highest privacy setting possible. Do NOT discuss your DUI arrest online. Prosecutors may search for online content to use against you at your trial. Anything you say online could be used as evidence in your DUI trial.
Meet with an experienced Edinboro DUI attorney as soon as possible. A DUI conviction has serious consequences including fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. Your best chance of avoiding a DUI conviction is to retain an experienced attorney. You want an attorney with substantial experience defending individuals charged with driving under the influence. An experienced attorney is familiar with complex DUI laws. You want an attorney who understands various defenses to ensure the best legal defenses are used.
Finding The Right Edinboro DUI Attorney
Do your research before you hire a DUI attorney. You do not want to hire an attorney because he charges the lowest fees. You need an attorney with the resources and experience to devise a strong defense strategy, taking into consideration the facts of your case and the applicable DUI laws. Our PA DUI attorneys represent clients throughout northwestern Pennsylvania. When you need reliable legal counsel, you can count on our law firm to provide the support and representation you need.
Contact An Experience Edinboro DUI Defense Attorney
Contact The Travis Law Firm toll free at (800) 401-2066 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Being charged with driving under the influence is stressful. Let our attorneys take over your defense so that you can focus on getting back to your life.
It may be difficult not to worry about your future when you have a pending DUI charge. However, hiring an experienced attorney can give you the peace of mind of knowing you have an advocate on your side who will aggressively fight to protect your legal rights.