Will You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions In 2017?

Have you made a New Year’s resolution for 2017? If so, you are among one-half of the American’s who make resolutions each year. Unfortunately, less than 10 percent of individuals who make resolutions are able to keep those resolutions until they reach their goal.
Below are tips for keeping your resolutions from our Erie attorneys. We wish everyone a successful 2017 as you work toward reaching each of your goals for the New Year!
- Don’t Give Up! One of the main reasons people don’t keep their resolutions is they simply give up because of one failure. If you slip up or fail, dust yourself off and keep going. You can reach your goals but only if you keep trying.
- Set Specific Goals with Short-Term Goals to Celebrate. Another common reason for quitting before you reach your goal is resolving to do something that is too vague. For example, resolving to “renovate your home” is far too vague. However, resolving to renovate or redecorate one room of your home every 60 days gives you a definite goal. This resolution also gives you “mini resolutions” you can celebrate as you work toward your ultimate goal by the end of 2017.
- Schedule Time to Keep Your Resolution. There is absolutely no way anyone can keep a resolution if they don’t make time to do the things necessary to accomplish their goal. For example, if you want to renovate each room in your home in 2017, if you don’t schedule time to work on the renovations, you will fail.
- Write It Down. Write down your resolutions and the steps that you need to take to reach your goal. Writing down your resolution helps you to visualize what you want to achieve and develop a plan to reach your goal. Develop specific steps that will help you reach your short-term and long-term goals. Create as many steps as you need to help you keep your resolution.
- Use Technology. There is an app for almost any resolution you can think of today. For example, Mint helps you with personal finances, My Fitness Pal and Pact helps you with weight loss goals, and BrightNest can help with home maintenance and improvements.
- Share Your Resolution. Having someone who shares your resolution can help you reach your goals. For instance, if you and your friend want to increase your physical fitness, you can help each other by working out together, holding each other accountable, and encouraging each other.
Happy New Year from Your Erie Attorney
Our firm wishes everyone a happy and safe New Year. If you need our legal services during 2017, we encourage you to contact our office for a free consultation. It is our desire to provide sound legal advice to you when you need it the most.
Contact The Travis Law Firm by telephone at (800) 401-2066 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Erie attorneys. You can find more information about our legal services, including personal injury, DUI defense, and criminal defense, on our website.