Wrongful Death Claims In Pennsylvania Pedestrian Accidents

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, pedestrian accidents accounted for 3.2% of traffic accidents during 2015. However, pedestrian accidents accounted for 12.8% of the fatalities in traffic accidents. During 2015, there were 4,001 crashes involving pedestrians. Just over 150 pedestrians lost their lives in those accidents during that year. Even one life lost in a pedestrian accident is one life too many.
Pedestrians are at a high risk of being killed when involved in a pedestrian-vehicle accident because of the great disparity in protection. The passengers of a vehicle are protected in a collision by seat belts, airbags, and the vehicle itself. However, pedestrians have absolutely no protection from the impact. Therefore, the risk of traumatic injuries and death are much higher for pedestrians. This risk increases the faster the vehicle is traveling at the time of the crash, and elderly pedestrians are at a higher risk of a fatality in a pedestrian accident compared to younger accident victims.
Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Pedestrian Accident
For loved ones, there is very little comfort in knowing that they can file a wrongful death lawsuit after losing a family member in a pedestrian accident. Money can never replace a loved one nor can it comfort the family. Unfortunately, the judicial system cannot bring back a loved one. It can only provide a way for the family to seek a monetary award for damages.
Why Should We File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit for A Pedestrian Accident?
In some cases, the driver may be charged with a crime such as drunk driving or reckless driving. However, this is not always the case. In many pedestrian accidents, the driver is not charged with a crime. The family may feel as if the driver is “getting away” with taking the life of their loved one. A wrongful death lawsuit may give the family some of the closure they are searching for after the death of a loved one.
In addition, filing a wrongful death lawsuit can help bring attention to dangers pedestrians face each day because of reckless and distracted drivers. Distracted driving is one of the most common reasons for motor vehicle accidents, including pedestrian accidents. By filing a wrongful death lawsuit, you are calling attention to this issue in addition to holding the driver responsible for your loved one’s death accountable and liable.
Lastly, filing a wrongful death lawsuit can result in a monetary award for damages. While the money does not comfort the family, it does provide for the family. In many cases, the victim is a spouse and a parent. Losing the financial support that person contributed to the family can be devastating. A wrongful death lawsuit can result in compensation for damages that helps to pay for living expenses, educational costs, and other needs for the person’s dependents.
Call an Erie Wrongful Death Attorney
If you have lost a loved one in an accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation for damages. However, you must act now because your time to file a wrongful death lawsuit is limited.
Contact The Travis Law Firm toll-free at (800) 401-2066 to schedule a free consultation with an Erie wrongful death attorney. Meeting with an Erie wrongful death attorney is your first step in getting justice for your family and your loved one.