Am I Liable if Someone is Injured on My Property While Trick or Treating?

If you plan to welcome trick or treaters to your home this Halloween in Pennsylvania, you need to make sure that your property is safe for visitors. Trick or treaters have a reasonable expectation that your property is safe, especially if you leave your porch light on or otherwise signal that you are welcoming trick or treaters. As a property owner, you have a duty of care to someone who enters your property. If someone is injured on your property, you could be liable for damages. As you are preparing for Halloween this year, take precautions to avoid falls and injuries on your property.
Tips to Reduce Slips and Falls on Halloween
Things you can do to reduce the risk of an injury on your property Halloween night include:
- Keep walkways and pathways clear of debris and other objects that could be a tripping hazard.
- Repair any hazards that could cause a fall or mark these areas clearly so that visitors can avoid these areas. For example, if there is a hole in your yard, fill the hole or place barriers around the hole to keep anyone from falling.
- Remove anything that someone could trip over such as decorations, extension cords, large branches, and outdoor furniture.
- If possible, add additional outdoor lighting to help everyone see more clearly.
- You may want to consider sitting outside near your driveway or sidewalk to greet children instead of allowing them to walk through your yard.
- If you want to take an extra step to prevent a fall, you can illuminate the pathway to your door with outdoor lights so that children and adults are more likely to remain on a safe pathway.
Damages in a Premises Liability Case
When you are injured on another person’s property, you might be entitled to recover compensation from the property owner. If you can prove the owner knew or should have known a dangerous condition existed on the property and did nothing about it, you may have a valid claim. Damages that are usually included in a slip and fall claim include:
- Medical bills, including future medical bills for permanent disabilities
- Lost wages, including the loss of income a parent incurs because of an injury to a child
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional stress and mental anguish
- Scarring and disfigurement
The amount of money you might receive for a Halloween slip and fall claim depends on the type and severity of your injury. Other factors may include the length of your recovery and whether you suffered a permanent injury. Remember, Halloween slip and fall accidents are not limited to trick or treaters. If you are injured in a fall at a Halloween party, fall festival, or any other event, you may be entitled to recover money for your injuries.
Erie Slip and Fall Attorney
We sincerely hope that you and your family have a safe and enjoyable Halloween. However, if you are injured in a fall, we are here to help you with your claim. Call The Travis Law Firm at (800) 401-2066 to schedule a free legal consultation with one of our Erie premises liability lawyers.