Why Is It Taking So Long to Settle My Motorcycle Accident Claim?
It can be very frustrating to know that another driver was responsible for your motorcycle crash, but your claim is still not settled. The other driver was clearly wrong, the police officer issued a traffic ticket to the other driver, and you suffered serious injuries in the accident. So, why is it taking so long to settle the motorcycle accident claim?
Several factors can impact the length of a motorcycle accident claim. Unfortunately, these factors are not within your control or your attorney’s control. Our Erie motorcycle accident lawyer has extensive experiencing filing and settling motorcycle accident claims. We work diligently to settle claims as quickly as possible without jeopardizing the victim’s right to full compensation for all damages.
Factors That Can Cause Your Accident Claim to Take Longer to Settle
You can settle your claim quickly; however, most people who settle a claim quickly receive less compensation than they deserve. Therefore, we recommend that you allow us to work hard to fight for every available dollar to settle your claim. We strive to settle motorcycle accident claims quickly, but we do not want to accept a settlement for less than your claim is worth.
Four factors that can slow down a motorcycle accident claim are:
Your Medical Treatment
You never want to settle a claim until your doctor states that you have recovered fully or your condition will not improve with further treatment. If you settle a claim before your medical treatment ends, you risk losing compensation for future medical costs, permanent impairments, and future lost wages.
Whether or Not Liability is Disputed
If the insurance provider for the other driver denies liability, it will not pay your claim. Some insurance providers deny liability as a negotiating tactic to attempt to settle for a lower amount. In a case in which the insurance company refuses to acknowledge liability, you may need to file a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit can lengthen the process, but in some cases, it cannot be avoided.
Whether or Not the Case Goes to Trial
Even though we file a lawsuit, that does not mean we will go to trial. In some cases, once the insurance company views the evidence we have to prove its insured was at fault for the motorcycle crash, the company agrees to a settlement. However, if the matter goes to trial, many other factors are at play that could slow the process of the accident claim, such as the court’s schedule.
You Sustained Traumatic Injuries
If you sustained traumatic injuries, the value of your claim is likely to be substantial. In cases involving substantial damages, the insurance company will take its time investigating every aspect of the case to try to find any evidence it can use to mitigate the damages. Therefore, the insurance company may delay settlement as it investigates the accident searching for ways to lower the value of your motorcycle accident claim.
Call an Erie Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Help
For a free consultation with an Erie motorcycle accident attorney, call The Travis Law Firm at (800) 401-2066. Your no-cost, no-obligation case review is confidential. Learn about your rights and your options for recovering compensation for damages from a trusted Erie motorcycle accident lawyer.