Summertime Motorcycle Safety Tips for Lake Erie Riders

As summer approaches, many motorcyclists take advantage of the beautiful routes around Lake Erie for riding. Long summer road trips are also common for many riders. Even though snow and ice do not interfere with rides during the summer, summer weather conditions can impact a rider’s safety. If you are planning a summer motorcycle trip or you are just riding around Lake Erie, the summertime motorcycle safety tips below can help you have an enjoyable ride.
Seven Summertime Motorcycle Safety Tips
1. Invest in summer riding gear.
Put away the heavy winter riding gear in favor of lighter, cooler motorcycle gear for summer. However, do not forgo riding gear during warm weather. Gloves, boots, helmets, and other motorcycle clothing protect riders during a motorcycle accident. For instance, look for motorcycle jackets and gloves with ventilation to provide safety and relief from hot weather.
2. Check your motorcycle thoroughly before riding.
Riders should always do a once over to check tire pressure, headlights, signals, etc. However, if you have not ridden your motorcycle during the winter, you may want to also have a mechanic perform a service check to ensure all systems are in good working order.
3. Check the weather before leaving.
You may not need to deal with the harsh winter conditions now, but you should still prepare for changing weather conditions. For example, temperatures can drop significantly during the evening. You may need to pack a jacket if you intend to ride all day and into the evening.
4. Be prepared for extreme heat.
Motorcyclists can experience heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses even in mild temperatures. Know the warning signs of heat-related illnesses and how to treat these conditions. Make frequent stops when riding during hot weather to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to heat stroke and other serious conditions.
5. Protect your skin from sun exposure.
Wear sunscreen and lightweight clothing to prevent sunburns. Riding during the summer, especially at the beginning of the season, can result in a sunburn in just a short time. A severe sunburn can cause serious complications if not treated.
6. Pack summer road trip supplies.
Even for short trips, make sure that you pack extra water, protein snacks, sunscreen, first aid supplies, and extra clothing. Also, stings from bees and other insects can cause a severe reaction. Make sure you have supplies to treat stings and bites from insects.
7. Choose a summer motorcycle helmet.
Helmets protect riders from head and brain injuries during an accident. However, the motorcycle helmet you wear during the winter may not be the best helmet to wear for summer riding. Just make sure that the helmet you choose is highly-rated and certified for safety and maximum protection.
Contact a Lake Erie Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Our Lake Erie motorcycle accident attorneys hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer. However, if you suffer injuries in a motorcycle crash, our legal team is here to help you file your accident claim so you can get back onto the road as soon as possible.
Contact The Travis Law Firm at (800) 401-2066 to request a free legal consultation with our Lake Erie motorcycle accident attorney.