Compensation Following a Dog Bite Injury

Damages in a Dog Bite Injury

In 2020, Pennsylvania ranked number five in the number of insurance claims made by people who had been bitten by dogs. Dogs can afflict a human with horrific injuries, resulting in high medical bills, and in some instances, plastic surgery to repair the damage. In addition, many people suffer emotional and psychological trauma from a dog attack, which affects their ability to be around other canines. 

The Travis Law Firm 

When you or your loved one was attacked by a dog, the Travis Law Firm is here to help you recover the compensation you deserve. When you’ve suffered injuries caused by an aggressive dog, you don’t have to face it alone. We can gather the evidence needed to support your claim for compensation and negotiate with the insurance company in your stead to help you recover the damages.

2020 Pennsylvania Dog Bite Insurance Claims

With 787 claims made with an average payout of $45,134 in 2020, as reported by the Insurance Information Institute, the industry recognizes dog bites as serious and deserving of fair compensation. Under Pennsylvania law, anyone who is injured by a dog can claim damages from the owner if negligence was involved. If the injury was not severe, the injured party can recover their medical expenses. If it was a serious injury, for example, one that requires plastic surgery to repair, the injured party can recover not only medical expenses but additional losses.

Liability in a Dog Injury Claim

Before the Pennsylvania law on dog bites changed in 2018, a dog owner wasn’t liable if their pet harmed someone if the animal had never done it before. The owner is now responsible, even if it’s the first time their dog hurt anyone. In the case of an aggressive animal, the dog owner must ensure that steps are taken to prevent their pet from biting. In an attack where aggression wasn’t previously seen in a dog, the following are taken into consideration in the event the injured party files a lawsuit or claim:

  • Whether the dog is licensed is one consideration. All dogs in the state must be licensed when they reach three months of age.
  • The owner must provide adequate fencing or other accommodations to keep the dog on the property where it cannot harm others.
  • Certain breeds have more of a propensity to bite than others, so the breed is taken into consideration.

Dog Bite Injuries

Although many dog bites are simply that, the animal snaps once and it’s over, a more aggressive breed can cause horrific injuries, including the following:

  • Torn ligaments, muscles and tendons
  • Internal bleeding
  • Broken bones
  • Disfigurement
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injury

Travis Law Firm

When you’ve experienced a dog attack, you may end up facing high medical costs, the inability to work and the trauma of the attack as well as pain and suffering. At Travis Law Firm, we fight hard for the compensation you deserve. You can contact us at (814) 277-2222 to schedule a free, no-obligation case review. You will have your questions answered, find out whether you can file a claim and discover what options are available to recover damages. If you prefer, you can also contact us online.