What Is Theft by Deception?

Dealing With Theft by Deception
Theft by deception is a type of serious crime that is often difficult to understand. As with any theft, it involves taking something that does not belong to you. However, theft by deception means doing this by creating a false image that is used to obtain the other person’s property and not correcting this illusion in the future.
How Is Theft by Deception Misinterpreted?
There is room for interpretation when dealing with this type of theft. For instance, you might have explained the situation clearly, but the other person did not comprehend what you were saying or misinterpreted it. The problem here is if the person was lured by their misinterpretation, you would have little chance of knowing that and you would not try to clear it up. You might have even given them sources that could explain the facts you provided, but they did not use them. Finally, a salesperson might say that the item is the best in its class. Although this puffs up the quality of the item in some cases, it is still not on the same footing as deception.
Repercussions of Theft by Deception
Although this crime carries fines and even jail time, it is charged as a misdemeanor as long as the property is not worth more than $2,000. If it is worth more than $2,000, it is charged as a third-degree felony. Felony crimes are treated more seriously by both the legal system and the community, barring people from leading a productive and comfortable life after being released from prison.
However, even a misdemeanor involving theft can have tragic repercussions. Many people, including employers and rental companies, believe that if you erred once, you’d do it again. For many serving a sentence behind bars, they did what they did largely because of circumstances. Once they are released from jail, they will not go down that same path. Some are convicted under pretenses and pay the price for something they did not do.
Defending Against a Theft by Deception Charge
Your lawyer will defend you against the charges made by the prosecutor. For the prosecutor to succeed, he or she must prove the accusations beyond a reasonable doubt. How does your criminal lawyer defend you? They may show that you did not deceive the other party. Instead, they misunderstood what you said. Further, when you are not attempting to deceive the other party, you lack intent. Without intent, you cannot be convicted of this crime.
How an Attorney Can Help
Having an experienced lawyer in your corner is essential when you are before a jury. If your lawyer is inexperienced or inaccurate, the prosecutor will probably win even if their reasoning is poor. The same is true if you do not have a lawyer.
Travis Law Firm
The Travis Law Firm has been fighting for clients’ rights for 25 years. We understand the fear a criminal charge can bring, and we keep our clients informed and respond as quickly as possible to their inquiries about their cases. Call us at (814) 277-2222, or contact us online to discuss your charges. We understand the financial loss you are facing and the fear of being incarcerated.