How Breathalyzer Tests Work and Their Potential Errors 

Breathalyzer tests are a standard tool used by law enforcement in Pennsylvania to measure a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and determine impairment.

Breathalyzer tests are a standard tool used by law enforcement in Pennsylvania to measure a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and determine impairment. While these devices are widely utilized, it’s essential to understand that they are not infallible. Factors such as improper calibration, environmental conditions, and even certain medical conditions can lead to inaccurate readings. 

For individuals facing DUI charges, challenging the reliability of a breathalyzer test can be a crucial part of their defense. A skilled Pennsylvania DUI defense lawyer can carefully examine the circumstances of the test to ensure that all procedures are followed correctly and that the results are reliable.

Common Errors in Breathalyzer Tests 

While widely used, breathalyzer tests are susceptible to errors that may compromise accuracy. Understanding these potential issues can be vital for mounting a solid defense against DUI charges. Some common breathalyzer test errors include:

  • Improper Calibration: Breathalyzer devices must be regularly calibrated to ensure accurate results. A poorly calibrated device can produce incorrect BAC readings. 
  • Incorrect Operator Use: If the person administering the test lacks proper training or fails to follow standard procedures, the results may be unreliable. 
  • Residual Mouth Alcohol: Alcohol remaining in the mouth from recent consumption, mouthwash, or certain medications can artificially inflate BAC readings. 
  • Environmental Factors: External conditions such as temperature, humidity, or exposure to certain chemicals can interfere with the testing device’s accuracy. 
  • Medical Conditions: Issues such as acid reflux or diabetes may create false positive results due to the presence of certain compounds in the breath. 

These errors highlight the importance of evaluating the specifics of each breathalyzer test when challenging DUI charges.

Legal Strategies for Defense

When facing DUI charges, several legal strategies can be employed to challenge the evidence or procedures used during the arrest. Some common defense strategies include:

  • Challenging the Legality of the Traffic Stop: For a traffic stop to be lawful, the officer must have reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or criminal activity. If the DUI stop is unlawful, the gathered evidence may be inadmissible in court. 
  • Disputing Field Sobriety Test Results: Field sobriety tests, often subjective, can be influenced by nerves, medical conditions, or uneven surfaces. These factors can undermine the credibility of the results. 
  • Questioning the Accuracy of Testing Devices: Errors in calibration or maintenance logs in breathalyzer tests can be scrutinized to challenge the reliability of the results. 
  • Presenting Alternative Explanations for BAC Levels: Conditions like ketosis from dieting or certain medications can produce false positives, which can be raised as a defense. 
  • Examining Police Procedure: Failure to follow proper protocols during the arrest, such as neglecting to inform the suspect of their rights or administering tests within the required timeframe, may weaken the prosecution’s case. 

Each case presents unique circumstances, and a qualified attorney can analyze the specifics to determine the most effective defense strategy.

DUI Defense Attorneys at The Travis Law Firm 

The attorneys at Travis Law Firm have a proven history of successfully handling DUI cases, often leading to reduced or dismissed charges. If you have been arrested and are facing DUI charges, call us today at (814) 277-2222 for a free case evaluation to learn how we can help you. You can also reach out to us online

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