If you are a college student, facing charges for underage drinking or minor in possession of alcohol, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer at The Travis Law Firm as soon as possible. Do not trust the police in this matter, what you say to them will be used against you. Speak only to your defense lawyer, as any conversation you have with your attorney is confidential.
Underage Drinking Charges Are Very Serious
Make no mistake, an under age drinking conviction is a serious crime that can take away many of your freedoms. Your driver’s license may be suspended from 90 days to two years, you may have to pay fines, and any conviction will be marked on your permanent criminal record. An underage drinking conviction can also impact the colleges available to you in the future. Don’t risk your future or your freedom, get help today. We fight underage drinking cases all the time, put our experience to work for you by contacting us for a free confidential case evaluation.