Erie Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyer Grant C. Travis

Injured At Work or On The Job?
Talk to an experienced Workers' Compensation lawyer about your legal rights to claiming benefits while you are injured. These benefits are in weekly installments to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and more. The Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation law is extremely complex and can be daunting for someone unfamiliar with the process. Put our experience to work for your injury claim and avoid the pitfalls that can delay your Work Comp claim or even get your claim denied. Don't worry if you already have a claim that was denied, we can help you file an appeal too.
Questions About Your Work Injury? Talk To Us For Answers
Contact us today to get your Free, no obligation consultation with an experienced Workers' Compensation lawyer at The Travis Law Firm. We fight for the rights of those injured at work or on the job, and we're in court all the time. Our law firm can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today or fill out the simple form on this page to begin right now.