Pennsylvania COVID-19 Stay at Home – Tips From Our Erie Injury Attorney

Pennsylvanians in 33 counties have been on a stay-at-home order since March 23. As of April 1, 2020, all 67 Pennsylvania counties went under a mandatory stay-at-home order. When announcing the stay-at-home order, Governor Tom Wolf said that it was the most prudent option to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Pennsylvania.
The stay-at-home order remains in effect through April 30, 2020. All non-life-sustaining business closures remain in effect, and schools are closed until further notice. You can view a list of acceptable reasons to leave home on the Governor’s website.
Where Can You Get Information About the COVID-19 Outbreak?
There are numerous resources about the coronavirus available for Pennsylvanians.
To view current information about the number of COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania, visit the PA Department of Health website. You can access information and resources related to the coronavirus on the Commonwealth’s website.
The federal government also has information available online about the coronavirus nationwide. You can learn how to make a homemade cloth face mask on the U.S. Surgeon General’s website.
The Pennsylvania Office of Unemployment Compensation has information and resources on its website for individuals and families who may need assistance during the coronavirus outbreak.
How Can You Stay Safe and Protect Your Loved Ones From the Coronavirus?
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has tips for staying safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. Information available on the CDC website as of April 7, 2020, includes:
- Clean hands often with water and soap for at least 20 seconds. If you cannot use water and soap, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
- Stay at home as much as possible. Disinfect commonly touched surfaces every day.
- Practice social distancing – at least six feet apart.
- Wear a cloth mask whenever you leave home. The mask should cover your nose and mouth.
- Avoid being around anyone that is sick, including anyone that may have been exposed to COVID-19.
The information on the CDC’s website can change daily as new information about the coronavirus becomes available. You should check the website often for updates and new information to protect yourself and your family.
Ways to Stay Sane While Staying at Home During COVID-19 Outbreak
It can be difficult to entertain children, work from home, and homeschool children every day. It can help to establish a schedule, including consistent bedtimes. Try to eat a healthy diet while at home and get as much exercise as possible. Make sure that you include time to relax and spend quality time with your family. Playing games, working on hobbies, and reading are great ways to entertain children.
If you have trouble coming up with ideas to pass the time at home, these online resources can help:
- Live Science – Activities and online resources for homebound kids: A coronavirus guide
- CDC – Stress and Coping
- Parade – 125 Ideas for Kids During the Coronavirus Outbreak
- Your Erie – Things to Do With Your Kids at Home While Schools are Closed
Contact Our Erie Personal Injury Attorneys for Help
We are open for business and ready to work for you. If you have questions about personal injury claims, we encourage you to contact our office by calling (800) 401-2066 to schedule a free legal consultation with our Erie personal injury lawyers.
Remember, during this challenging time, Stay at Home & Stay Safe to stop the spread of the coronavirus.