When it comes to criminal defense for drug charges, it’s essential to understand the severity and potential consequences.

When it comes to criminal defense for drug charges, it’s essential to understand the severity and potential consequences.
Medicine can have side effects that can cause drowsiness or confusion, both of which can lead to auto accidents.
A number of cities in Pennsylvania have decriminalized the use of marijuana, but that doesn’t mean it’s legal. Driving under the influence of marijuana is completely different and viewed as impaired motoring. A driver who tests positive for any amount at all can end up being charged with DUI, even if you have a prescription for it from your doctor to treat your medical condition because Pennsylvania is a no-tolerance state.
If you have been charged with simple possession of a drug, you need to do all you can before a conviction occurs. Call Travis Law for help.
Drug charges such as possessing illicit drugs are major criminal acts in Pennsylvania. Learn more about possession of illegal drugs here.
Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana on April 6, 2016. On February 15, 2018, medical marijuana became available in Pennsylvania. However, strict rules and laws are governing medical marijuana use. Even though you have a medical marijuana card, police officers may arrest you for certain violations. For that reason, you need to be aware of the DUI… Read more »
The ARD Program in Pennsylvania or the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program is a pre-trial intervention program. It offers first-time, non-violent offenders a second chance. Instead of going to jail, they are allowed to complete rehabilitation to expunge the criminal charges. What Is the Goal of the ARD Program in Pennsylvania? In some cases, rehabilitation is… Read more »
Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana in 2016. Even though the state has legalized marijuana for medical use, marijuana continues to be illegal for recreational use in the state. Regardless of whether you have a medical prescription for marijuana or you are using marijuana for recreational purposes, you can be charged with marijuana DUI for having any… Read more »
You are riding with a friend who is pulled over for a traffic stop. The police officers search the vehicle and find drugs under the back seat. You are charged with possession of drugs and arrested, even though you had no idea your friend had drugs in the vehicle. What should you do?