dui defense

Lawyer for Underage Drinking | Erie PA, Edinboro PA, Warren PA, Meadville PA, Bradford PA

Don't Let a DUI Ruin College

Don’t Let a DUI Ruin Your College Career College should be a time to remember fondly, not a time to be haunted by a bad decision. A DUI conviction can take away your license, your job, and your freedom. We are ready to fight for you if you are charged with a DUI near Edinboro… Read more »

Lawyer for Campus Criminal Charges | Minor in Possesssion | Edinboro PA, Warren PA, Erie PA

Defending Students Facing Underage Drinking Charges

Facing Charges for Underage Drinking? PA Defense Attorney Grant C. Travis is Here To Help Minor In Possession Charges

A PA DUI Lawyer Near You

Charged With a DUI? Facing DUI Charges? If you have been charged with a DUI, it would be a very good idea to speak to a PA DUI Lawyer right away. Hiring the right DUI lawyer makes a difference, so before you make any decisions, get a free confidential consultation about your situation. Find a… Read more »

PA DUI Lawyer | Erie, Warren, Edinboro, Meadville, Bradford

Facing DUI Charges after Cinco de Mayo? Talk To A Lawyer

…there is usually a rise in DUI arrests at about the same time as local law enforcement officials crack down on drunk drivers using DUI checkpoints. If you are now facing DUI charges, it would be smart for you to speak with a PA DUI Lawyer about your legal rights as soon as possible…

Erie PA DUI Lawyer | The Travis Law Firm

Six Ways To Hurt Your PA DUI Defense Case

After being arrested for DUI in PA, or facing DUI charges, what you do now can greatly impact how your case is resolved later. Your innocence is not all that you need to prove, you also have an obligation to prove your credibility to the courts. Here are some of the DON’T DOs for you… Read more »

How you can successfully beat a DUI/DWI conviction in Erie PA

How to successfully defend an Erie PA DUI/DWI conviction with an experience lawyer. Have you been charged and arrested for a DUI or DWI in Erie PA? If so we put together some very useful information to help you fight and beat a DUI conviction. A Pennsylvania DUI arrest is very serious and what you do next can make all… Read more »