dui defense

Asking for a Lawyer at a DUI Stop

Asking for a Lawyer at a DUI Stop

Asking for a lawyer at a DUI stop may not be granted. The difference between being stopped for drunk driving or caught in a DUI stop is that the individual is not always arrested on the spot or read their Miranda Rights. However, in many instances, the police officer does not need to question the person and relies on evidence such as what is recorded on a dash cam.

At the scene, the officer may record dialogue they had with the suspected drunk driver, his or her actions when tested to show an elevated alcohol level or a Breathalyzer test is administered. The officer does not need to read the Miranda Rights to do these.

DUI Marijuana Law in Pennsylvania – Arrest for Driving Under the Influence of Medical Marijuana

Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana on April 6, 2016. On February 15, 2018, medical marijuana became available in Pennsylvania. However, strict rules and laws are governing medical marijuana use. Even though you have a medical marijuana card, police officers may arrest you for certain violations. For that reason, you need to be aware of the DUI… Read more »

Young man listens while participating in therapy session

ARD Program in Pennsylvania – Do You Qualify?

The ARD Program in Pennsylvania or the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program is a pre-trial intervention program. It offers first-time, non-violent offenders a second chance. Instead of going to jail, they are allowed to complete rehabilitation to expunge the criminal charges. What Is the Goal of the ARD Program in Pennsylvania? In some cases, rehabilitation is… Read more »