Erie Product Liability Claims – Defective Products That Can Cause Burns

Defective products and dangerous products cause traumatic injuries, including severe burn injuries. Some burn injuries may not result in significant scarring, disfigurement, or permanent impairments. However, a burn injury can result in nerve damage, disability, and death. Infections and complications can occur even with minor burn injuries.

If a defective product caused your burn injury, our Erie product liability lawyer can help you pursue a claim against the party or parties responsible for the defect and injury. Your injury may entitle you to compensation for pain, suffering, and financial losses.

Consumer Products That Cause Burn Injuries

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has a list of consumer products that have caused or have the potential for causing burn injuries, including chemical burns and electrical burns. You can search the CPSC website for recalls and other information related to consumer products that cause burns. However, a product does not need to be subject to a recall to be defective or dangerous. Product liability claims may be filed for products that have yet to be recalled.

Examples of consumer products that have caused or may cause burn injuries include, but are not limited to:
  • E-cigarettes and vaping products
  • Cell phones and cell phone accessories
  • Children’s toys
  • Small appliances, including pressure cookers and crock pots
  • Airbags
  • Medical equipment and devices
  • Space heaters
  • Electric blankets
  • Lithium batteries
  • Skincare products
  • ATVs (all-terrain vehicles)

The above list is a very short list of the products that have been known to cause burns. Thousands of products currently on the market have the potential for causing severe and life-threatening burns. Determining how the product caused the burn and if a defect was responsible are the first steps in seeking compensation for a product liability claim.

Steps to Take After a Defective Product Burn Injury

If a product causes a burn, seek medical attention immediately. Even minor burns can cause infections and scarring if not treated correctly. Your doctor accesses the burn injury and recommends a treatment plan based on the severity of the burn injury. For severe burn injuries, a victim may be hospitalized, require breathing assistance, and require one or more surgeries, including plastic surgery and skin grafts. Additional medical treatment may be required for complications and infections caused by burn injuries.

If possible and safe, secure the defective product. Gather together any information related to the product, including the original packaging, owner’s manual, instructions, and proof of purchase. Take photographs of your burn injuries immediately after the accident and throughout your recovery. Keep copies of all medical records and other information related to the product and your injury, treatment, and recovery.

As soon as possible, contact our Erie defective product attorney immediately. There are several steps that you need to take to protect your legal right to recover fair compensation for your burn injury. An attorney evaluates your case and advises you on the law governing your claim and your legal options for pursuing a product liability claim. Our legal team provides support and guidance throughout the claims process.

Contact an Erie Product Liability Attorney for Help

Product liability claims can be difficult. We must determine how the product is defective and what caused the defect. Depending on the situation, several parties may be liable for your injury, including the designer, manufacturer, seller, packaging center, and distributor.

Contact The Travis Law Firm by calling (800) 401-2066 to request a free consultation with an Erie product liability attorney.