Pennsylvania 2015 New Year's Eve Statistics

Pennsylvania State Police Release New Year’s Eve Statistics for 2015

Car Accidents Reported to PA State Police

There were a total of 404 car accidents investigated by Pennsylvania State Police during the three day New Year’s holiday, spanning from December 31, 2014 to January 2, 2015. Of those 404 car crashes, there were 133 injuries reported. Alcohol-related driving was attributed to 45 of the car accidents.

Arrests by Pennsylvania State Police

There were 277 DUI arrests issued by state troopers, and 5,637 citations issued for excessive speed. There were also 485 citations given for failure to wear a seatbelt and 85 more for improperly restrained children – including child safety seat violations.

Statistics From Last Year

There were 146 people injured, and one person killed in 836 car accidents during last year’s holiday. Keep in mind, all of these statistics only represent the car accident cases reported to state police and do not include local municipalities.

Charged With a DUI? Contact a DUI Defense Lawyer Now!

If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and are facing DUI charges, you have a serious issue on your hands. A DUI Defense Attorney at The Travis Law Firm can help you get through this trying time. We may be able to help you retain your driver’s license, keep your record clean, and keep you out of jail. Contact a PA DUI Lawyer at our law firm now to get started with a free, confidential consultation about your legal rights.

Several PA DUI Law Offices To Serve You

Erie PA DUI Lawyer
Edinboro PA DUI Lawyer
Warren PA DUI Lawyer

If you are facing DUI charges anywhere in Pennsylvania, contact an experienced DUI defense attorney at The Travis Law Firm to protect your rights and your freedom.

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DUI Defense Group | PA DUI Lawyer | DUI Attorneys | Law Firm for DUI ChargesIf you would like more information about Pennsylvania DUI Defense, please visit our DUI Defense Group website. You will find a large amount of data to help you understand the fight you face and your possible options.