Diagnostic errors and medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice and Filing a Wrongful Death Claim

Wrongful Death Claims and Medical Malpractice in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, medical malpractice and wrongful death claims are taken very seriously.

Receiving compensation for medical errors in Erie

Receiving Compensation for Medical Errors in Erie

Unfortunately, some people who go to the hospital, doctor, or other medical provider for help sustain further injury because of medical errors. We trust our doctors and health care professionals to “do no harm,” but that is not always the case. Through negligence or other wrongdoing, medical errors and mistakes injure patients and result in… Read more »

Medical Malpractice — Can I Sue My Doctor for Diagnostic Errors?

Medical Malpractice — Can I Sue My Doctor for Diagnostic Errors?

Suing a doctor for medical malpractice can be a complicated process. Several legal elements must be proven before you can hold your doctor liable for medical errors or medical negligence. However, that does not mean you should not pursue a medical malpractice claim. If your doctor caused you harm or injury because of a diagnostic… Read more »