drug driving attorney

Search and Seizure in Pennsylvania

Search and Seizure in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Constitution ensures that residents of the state are protected from unreasonable search and seizure whether it involves a person, possessions, papers or homes. Probable cause is necessary for police to conduct search and seizure under the 4th Amendment, which helps provide protection from unreasonable searches. When your constitutional rights are violated, the search and seizure that was performed may be unconstitutional and inadmissible in court.

Injured By A Drugged Driver?

The Dangers of Drugged Driving

The Governors’ Highway Safety Association has released a report that highlights the growing dangers of drugged driving. The legalization of marijuana for recreational and medical use in addition to the increase in the number of prescriptions written for painkillers may be contributing to the increase in the number of accidents attributed to drugged driving. Twenty-three… Read more »