Avoid handling your DUI case on your own if you are facing charges by contacting an experienced attorney. Call the Travis Law Firm.

Avoid handling your DUI case on your own if you are facing charges by contacting an experienced attorney. Call the Travis Law Firm.
DUI defense in Pennsylvania is a complex and ever-changing area of the law and you need an experienced attorney.. Call Travis Law.
Ignition interlock systems are required for those with high blood alcohol levels or for those who refuse to take a Breathalyzer test. If the individual wishes to drive under a restricted license, they must have an interlock system installed in their vehicle. It must remain in the vehicle for as long as the restricted license is operational.
Each year, right before Thanksgiving, our Erie DUI defense attorney takes time to remind Pennsylvania drivers of the risk of holiday DUI stops during the holidays. Law enforcement officers increase patrols and watch more closely for drunk drivers beginning the week of Thanksgiving and continuing through New Year’s Day. Holiday DUI arrests can increase dramatically… Read more »
Pennsylvania has tough drunk driving laws. If you are convicted of DUI in Pennsylvania, you can face severe penalties. Additionally, the long-term consequences of a DUI conviction can follow you for many years. However, if you cause an accident while driving drunk, you face additional penalties and charges. The best step you can take after… Read more »
Halloween is not just for kids. Millions of adults throughout the United States, including areas throughout Erie and Pennsylvania, will plan Halloween parties this year. Unfortunately, Halloween is one of the top nights for DUI arrests and DUI accidents. Law enforcement agencies throughout Pennsylvania are preparing for enhanced law enforcement strategies for Halloween. As you… Read more »
Labor Day Weekend is the unofficial end of summer. For many individuals, the long weekend is a great time to gather with friends and family for a final summer celebration before settling in for a long Pennsylvania winter. Alcohol is a part of many Labor Day holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, alcohol can also be the cause… Read more »
It is not uncommon for passengers in a vehicle to be under the influence of alcohol if the driver is also driving while intoxicated. Most passengers do not expect to be charged with DUI if the police pull over the driver and arrest the driver on a DUI charge. However, passengers need to be aware… Read more »
Pennsylvania lawmakers significantly toughened PA DUI laws beginning in 2019. The state was never known for taking it easy or drunk driving offenders; however, the changes in the state’s DUI laws may now result in some offenders being charged with felony DUI. If you are charged with any offense related to alcohol-impaired driving, you need… Read more »
Pennsylvania lawmakers adopted new DUI laws that increase the penalties for some DUI offenses throughout the state. Senate Bill 961 was passed by both chambers of the state legislature and was signed into law by Governor Wolf last year. The new laws increasing DUI penalties went into effect on December 23, 2018. If you are… Read more »