You are riding with a friend who is pulled over for a traffic stop. The police officers search the vehicle and find drugs under the back seat. You are charged with possession of drugs and arrested, even though you had no idea your friend had drugs in the vehicle. What should you do?
Edinboro criminal defense attorney
Dangers for PA College Students Using Social Media After an Arrest
Facebook has been in the news recently because of concerns about private information being accessed by third parties. Our Erie criminal defense team felt it was an appropriate time to review the dangers of using social media, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, after being charged with a crime. One post could seriously inhibit an attorney… Read more »
Avoid Alcohol-Related Criminal Charges on St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day 2018 is on Saturday, which means a lot of people will not need to worry about getting up to go to work the day after St. Patrick’s Day. Therefore, many people in Erie and Edinboro will be celebrating the holiday with alcohol. Sadly, some people will face serious criminal charges on Monday… Read more »
Four Reasons You Should Not Face Criminal Charges Without a Defense Attorney
There are many reasons why you should consult with an attorney who practices criminal defense. Some of the reasons may be obvious, but there are some reasons that many people do not consider. Below are four of the reasons why we urge you to contact our law firm to speak with an attorney. You deserve… Read more »
Can I Lose My Gun Rights if I Am Arrested in Pennsylvania?
Many people fear that they will lose their guns if they are arrested in Pennsylvania. Committing some crimes in Pennsylvania can result in losing your gun rights. Therefore, securing an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Erie as quickly as possible is important. Your attorney can fight to have the charges dismissed or reduced to a… Read more »
Do I Qualify for ARD for an Edinboro DUI Charge?
If you are charged with DUI in Edinboro, you need to take the charge seriously. Even a first offense DUI conviction can have serious punishments, including losing your license, jail time, probation, fines, substance abuse education, and DUI school. The penalties for a first DUI offense can vary depending on several factors, including the level… Read more »
Consequences of a Criminal Conviction in Pennsylvania
When you think about the consequences of a criminal conviction, you probably think about jail, fines, loss of driving privileges, probation, alcohol or drug programs, community service, and ignition interlock devices. If so, you are correct. These punishments are just a few of the potential consequences of being convicted of a crime in Pennsylvania. However,… Read more »
What to Do If My Child is Arrested for a Crime?
Has your child been accused of a crime in Pennsylvania? If so, you must take the matter very seriously, regardless of how ‘minor’ the charge. It is a mistake to consider any criminal charge ‘minor’ because all criminal convictions carry some consequence for your child. It is also a mistake to assume a judge or… Read more »
Can Pennsylvania Lower The Legal Limit For DUIs?
While nothing is currently pending before Pennsylvania lawmakers, they may be watching Utah’s lawmakers very closely. In fact, many states may be watching Utah very closely right now. Utah is set to become one of the toughest states on DUIs with a new law that lawmakers passed last week. According to the Associated Press, Utah… Read more »
Tips To Avoid A DUI Arrest During The Holidays
As an Edinboro DUI attorney, I often see an increase in DUI arrests during the holidays, especially as college students celebrate the end of finals and the holiday break from classes. While there is nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite alcoholic beverage to celebrate the holidays, drinking and driving is against the law in Pennsylvania…. Read more »