Edinboro PA Injury Lawyer

How Do I Prove My Injuries After a Car Accident?

How Do I Prove My Injuries After a Car Accident?

Reporting the accident is vital so that police and first responders arrive at the scene, giving evidence that your collision occurred. You can obtain a copy of the police report at the location or later by requesting it. You will be transported to a hospital for further attention if your injuries are serious. Even if minor injuries occur, you can still go to the hospital to be checked out, which is something you should do.

Not feeling any pain or other physical problems? Remember that symptoms of some potentially serious injuries are delayed or masked because of shock and adrenaline rush. You should still get checked out to establish a record that you sought medical attention for possible injuries. Don’t tell responding police or fire personnel that you’re fine. This may make it more challenging to place an injury claim later.

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Have you finished your holiday shopping list? If there are children on your gift giving list, you must be careful when choosing toys for kids. Some toys are not appropriate for certain ages. The toy might be perfectly safe for its intended use, but if you give it to a child who is too young… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What is Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation?

When a person suffers a spinal cord injury in an accident, the injury could result in life-altering conditions. In many cases, spinal cord injury rehabilitation is necessary as part of the treatment plan for an SCI. A complete spinal cord injury causes a total loss of mobility and feeling below the site of the injury…. Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What Are The Most Dangerous Car Accidents?

There are thousands of car accidents in Pennsylvania each year. According to PennDOT, there are approximately 351 reportable traffic accidents each day statewide. On average, three people are killed each day, and 221 people are injured in traffic accidents.  During 2017, the state recorded 128,188 traffic crashes. The accidents took the lives of 1,137 people… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Pictures After a Car Accident

Being shy about taking pictures after a car accident could hurt your chances of recovering full compensation for your damages. Taking pictures or making videos of the accident scene may make you feel a little uncomfortable, especially if everyone is staring at you or even glaring at you. However, you need to protect your legal… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Four Reasons Not to Sign a Settlement Agreement Without an Erie Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in an accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries if another party caused the injury. By law, when a person or party causes an injury because of negligence or a wrongful act, that party can be held liable for damages resulting from the injury. Examples of personal… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Four Things You Did Not Know About an Erie Car Accident

Most people know that they need to call 911 after a car accident and that they need to see a doctor. However, there are some things that you may not know about a car accident that could seriously impact your ability to recover money for an accident claim.

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Safety Tips for Easter Egg Hunts from an Erie Injury Lawyer

Easter Egg hunts are a tradition during the Easter season. Many organizations host Easter Egg hunts. However, many families host their own hunts at their homes. While this classic Easter activity can be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon making family memories, it can also turn tragic if parents do not consider safety measures… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Documenting an Erie Car Accident is Easier Than It Has Been in the Past

The emotions after a car accident can range from shock and confusion to angry and frustrated. In those minutes after a car accident, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure what you need to do. Of course, the first step is to call 911 to report the crash and request emergency help. However, it is important… Read more »

Common Factors in Every Traffic Accident Case

Have you been involved in a traffic accident? If so, you may not know what to look for when you begin to file an accident claim with the insurance company. Three factors are common in all traffic accident cases.