Personal injury claims can be complicated and difficult to navigate without help. Let’s discuss personal injury law in Pennsylvania,

Personal injury claims can be complicated and difficult to navigate without help. Let’s discuss personal injury law in Pennsylvania,
After being injured in an accident, you may not be sure whether or not you need to hire an Erie personal injury attorney. Some situations should encourage all accident victims to seek legal advice, including but not limited to cases involving: Severe or traumatic injuries Catastrophic injuries, including permanent disabilities and impairments The fault for… Read more »
Even a friendly dog can bite you without provocation or warning. If a dog bites you or your child, the consequences can be serious. Dog bite injuries can cause nerve damage, scarring, and serious infections. It is important that you take steps to protect your health and your legal rights after a dog bite. Because… Read more »
Injuries and accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. When another party causes you to be injured, you might be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries. However, Pennsylvania’s Statute of Limitations restricts your time to file a personal injury lawsuit. Therefore, it is typically a good idea to talk to an Erie personal… Read more »
If you are injured through no fault of your own, you may be wondering what you should do next. How do you recover compensation for your losses? Do you need to file an insurance claim? Should you file a personal injury lawsuit? When should you call an Erie personal injury attorney? Our Erie personal injury… Read more »
Erie has been bombarded with snow and ice in the past few weeks with additional winter weather still in the forecast. Given the harsh winter conditions, it is prudent to review some of the basic winter weather safety tips that can help you avoid injury and damage from severe weather conditions.
Most people assume that the most serious danger on the roads during the holidays is drunk drivers. However, impaired drivers are not the only danger on our roads this holiday season. Fatigued drivers can cause a car accident just as quickly as a drunk driver. With more people on the roads because of the holidays… Read more »