Head injuries are common motorcycle accidents, even when the rider is wearing a helmet. When a motorcyclist is hit by another vehicle, the rider’s head can hit the ground, the other vehicle, or other object. If you suffer a slight headache after a motorcycle crash, the headache could be a symptom of a serious head… Read more »
Erie County PA Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Do You Have Questions About an Erie Motorcycle Accident?
It is common to have questions after a motorcycle accident, but we want you to know you have somewhere to turn for answers. Our Erie motorcycle accident law firm handles all types of motorcycle crashes. We have the knowledge and experience required to fight insurance companies who are attempting to deny or underpay a valid… Read more »
Four Reasons Not to Sign a Settlement Agreement Without an Erie Personal Injury Lawyer
If you are injured in an accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries if another party caused the injury. By law, when a person or party causes an injury because of negligence or a wrongful act, that party can be held liable for damages resulting from the injury. Examples of personal… Read more »
Four Things You Did Not Know About an Erie Car Accident
Most people know that they need to call 911 after a car accident and that they need to see a doctor. However, there are some things that you may not know about a car accident that could seriously impact your ability to recover money for an accident claim.
The Dangers of Rear-End Motorcycle Accidents in Pennsylvania
Motorcyclists love Pennsylvania because we have some of the most beautiful motorcycle routes in the northeast. In addition to fun and exciting motorcycle routes, Pennsylvania is also host to several large motorcycle events throughout the year. Unfortunately, motorcyclists in Erie and throughout Pennsylvania face the same risks that riders face throughout the United States. One… Read more »
Documenting an Erie Car Accident is Easier Than It Has Been in the Past
The emotions after a car accident can range from shock and confusion to angry and frustrated. In those minutes after a car accident, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure what you need to do. Of course, the first step is to call 911 to report the crash and request emergency help. However, it is important… Read more »
What Are the Legal Elements of a Catastrophic Injury?
A catastrophic injury claim falls under the personal injury laws in Pennsylvania. Even though a catastrophic injury claim falls under the same laws with other injury claims, an injury claim involving a catastrophic injury is different. The main difference is that the victim usually suffers permanently debilitating, life-altering injuries that require a lifetime of personal… Read more »
Is There a Reason Why an Erie Injury Lawyer Won’t Handle My Claim?
You may be wondering if you have a valid personal injury claim and whether you should contact a lawyer. In most cases, when someone injures another person, the law allows the victim to recover compensation for losses, injuries, and damages. However, there are cases in which the victim may not recover damages because of a… Read more »
Don’t Ignore Pain in Your Abdomen After Your Car Accident
Victims of car accidents often suffer injuries that they may not realize until days or weeks after the crash. Whiplash and concussions are two common injuries that might not present symptoms immediately after the car accident. In some cases, adrenaline can mask an injury so that the victim does not feel the pain or other… Read more »
Common Factors in Every Traffic Accident Case
Have you been involved in a traffic accident? If so, you may not know what to look for when you begin to file an accident claim with the insurance company. Three factors are common in all traffic accident cases.