Drinking generally increases during the holidays. From the day before Thanksgiving (Blackout Wednesday) through New Year’s Day, alcohol sales increase. Many areas see an increase in the number of drunk driving accidents and DUIs during the holidays. Throughout Pennsylvania, law enforcement agencies, including police officers in Erie, increase their efforts to stop drunk drivers. One… Read more »
Erie DUI defense attorney
Underage DUI in Pennsylvania — What Do You Need to Know?
The legal drinking age in the United States is 21 years of age. Anyone under the age of 21 caught consuming alcohol could face an underage drinking charge. However, if that person is operating a motor vehicle, the person could also be charged with underage DUI. Underage DUI charges carry severe penalties in Pennsylvania. If… Read more »
Can an Erie DUI Attorney Help Me Defeat a Breathalyzer Result?
If you were pulled over for drunk driving in Pennsylvania, the officer probably requested that you perform the standardized field sobriety tests and submit to a breathalyzer. Both actions are designed to gather evidence proving that you were intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol while operating a vehicle. Unfortunately, SFST are subjective because they… Read more »
Can I Receive a DUI Ticket in an Erie Parking Lot?
It is common knowledge that driving under the influence is strictly enforced throughout Pennsylvania. If you operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, you can expect law enforcement officers to issue a DUI ticket if you are caught. A conviction on a DUI charge can range from substantial fines and loss of driving… Read more »
Are DUI Accident Charges Worse in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania has tough drunk driving laws. If you are convicted of DUI in Pennsylvania, you can face severe penalties. Additionally, the long-term consequences of a DUI conviction can follow you for many years. However, if you cause an accident while driving drunk, you face additional penalties and charges. The best step you can take after… Read more »
Why Do I Need a DUI Defense Attorney in Northwestern Pennsylvania?
Are you wondering if it is worth hiring a DUI defense attorney to help you with a drunk driving charge? Many people assume they can successfully handle a DUI charge themselves, especially if it is their first DUI offense. Why do they need to bother paying an attorney for something they can do themselves? If… Read more »
Are You Hosting a Holiday Party and Serving Alcohol?
The holidays are a wonderful time of year for parties and get-togethers. However, the number of DUI accidents and DUI charges increase over the holidays. According to Scram Systems, fifty-one (51) percent of drunk drivers admit to drinking more during the holidays. In addition, sixteen (16) percent of adults say they drink too much during… Read more »
Beware of DUI Enforcement on Blackout Wednesday!
What are you planning to do for the Thanksgiving holiday? Are you going out of town? Are you hosting your family and friends? Have you planned to meet friends at a local bar for a few drinks on Thanksgiving Eve? Whatever your plans may be, you need to remember that police will be out in… Read more »
Could You Pass A Driving Test Wearing A Drunk Suit?
Underage drinking is a serious problem in the United States. From high schools to college campuses, young people are drinking alcohol and getting into trouble. One program is working to educate teenagers about the dangers of drunk driving by showing them what it feels like to drive while drunk. The Drunk Suit No, teens aren’t… Read more »
Erie DUI Case Dismissed For Lack Of Probable Cause
Attorney Grant Travis was successful in having his client’s DUI case dismissed after successfully arguing the PSP troopers did not have probable cause for the DUI stop. Mr. Travis filed a motion to suppress evidence obtained during the traffic stop based on the argument that the troopers lacked sufficient cause to stop the client under… Read more »