Nursing home abuse awareness

How Do I Investigate Nursing Home Abuse?

How Do I Investigate Nursing Home Abuse?

According to the National Council on Aging, one out of every 10 older Americans has been subjected to some form of abuse. Because we want to protect our loved ones who are living in nursing homes, knowing the signs of abuse is important, so it can be reported and investigated. This is especially important since many cases of elder abuse are never reported. When family members know the signs to look for, they can be proactive in preventing these types of harm to their loved ones. 

Elderly person rests fatigued at nursing home.

Nursing Home Abuse Awareness – Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Nursing home abuse awareness is an essential step in stopping abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania nursing homes. Calling attention to nursing home abuse can help prevent other patients from being abused. Filing lawsuits against nursing homes and individuals responsible for elder abuse and neglect calls attention to the problem. However, it can be challenging to… Read more »