Nursing homes abuse and neglect is a problem that affects thousands of people every year in the United States. The Travis Law Firm can help.

Nursing homes abuse and neglect is a problem that affects thousands of people every year in the United States. The Travis Law Firm can help.
According to the National Council on Aging, one out of every 10 older Americans has been subjected to some form of abuse. Because we want to protect our loved ones who are living in nursing homes, knowing the signs of abuse is important, so it can be reported and investigated. This is especially important since many cases of elder abuse are never reported. When family members know the signs to look for, they can be proactive in preventing these types of harm to their loved ones.
Nursing home abuse awareness is an essential step in stopping abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania nursing homes. Calling attention to nursing home abuse can help prevent other patients from being abused. Filing lawsuits against nursing homes and individuals responsible for elder abuse and neglect calls attention to the problem. However, it can be challenging to… Read more »
Nursing home abuse is a serious problem that often goes unreported to authorities. Family members may not even be aware that their loved ones are being abused or neglected in Pennsylvania nursing homes. Because nursing home abuse is widespread, there are several ways you can report abuse in a nursing home. Reporting Nursing Home Abuse… Read more »
Most families postpone placing a parent in a Pennsylvania nursing home for as long as possible. It is difficult to give your parents over to someone else for care and comfort. However, there are many situations in which nursing home care is better for a loved one than the care the loved one can receive… Read more »
Placing your family member in a nursing home or assisted living facility is a difficult decision, especially if your loved one does not want to live in the facility or does not understand what is happening to him or her. One of the biggest fear of most families is that their loved one will be… Read more »
Unfortunately, the neglect and abuse of individuals in nursing homes is nothing new. It can be devastating to learn that, your loved one has been the victim of neglect or abuse in the nursing home, causing you to file a complaint against the facility or to speak with a nursing home abuse attorney. According to… Read more »
Bedsores may also be referred to as pressure ulcers or pressure sores. They are skin injuries as a result of prolonged pressure between something else and the skin. Typically a bedsore will happen on locations where bony areas of the body exist such as ankles, tailbone, hips, and heels. Individuals who are most at risk… Read more »
Bedsores A Sign of Neglect There are many different signs of nursing home abuse in Pennsylvania, and as a loved one of an elderly individual, you need to take all signals very seriously. You being sharp about potential abuse or neglect issues could protect your loved one from being injured, and it might also discourage treatment… Read more »
Local Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers The Travis Law Firm has been helping injured people in Erie for over 20 years. We have always been based in Erie Pennsylvania, with offices in Edinboro and Warren PA. We serve a variety of areas across Northwestern PA. We are local, serving our neighbors when they need to help a loved one… Read more »