The dangers of distracted driving are well-documented. However, many drivers continue to fail to take the dangers of distracted driving seriously. Unfortunately, they ignore the laws banning texting while driving or using hand-held cell phones while driving. They ignore the warnings about distractions causing traffic accidents. Therefore, distractions continue to be a common cause of… Read more »
Pennsylvania distracted driving accident attorney
What Can You Do To Avoid Distractions While Driving?
Distracted driving continues to be one of the most common causes of traffic accidents in the United States. It is estimated that each day that 100 people are injured and nine people are killed in distracted driving accidents. Since April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, our Erie personal injury lawyer discusses ways that you can… Read more »
From Our Erie PA Law Firm — National Distracted Driving Awareness Efforts
As personal injury attorneys, we see the devastation that can be caused by a distracted driver. Therefore, we want to call attention Distracted Driver Awareness. For the safety of your family and everyone on the road, please consider joining millions of other drivers who have taken the “It Can Wait” Pledge. Visit AT&T’s website for… Read more »