Personal injury claims can be complicated and difficult to navigate without help. Let’s discuss personal injury law in Pennsylvania,

Personal injury claims can be complicated and difficult to navigate without help. Let’s discuss personal injury law in Pennsylvania,
Auto accidents happen to other people, at least that’s what many think when they pull out of the parking lot or their driveway.
Pennsylvanians in 33 counties have been on a stay-at-home order since March 23. As of April 1, 2020, all 67 Pennsylvania counties went under a mandatory stay-at-home order. When announcing the stay-at-home order, Governor Tom Wolf said that it was the most prudent option to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Pennsylvania. The… Read more »
After being injured in an accident, you may not be sure whether or not you need to hire an Erie personal injury attorney. Some situations should encourage all accident victims to seek legal advice, including but not limited to cases involving: Severe or traumatic injuries Catastrophic injuries, including permanent disabilities and impairments The fault for… Read more »
The holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate with family and friends. Unfortunately, the holiday season can also increase the risk of some injuries. If you were injured in an accident during the holidays, the steps you take immediately following your holiday injury could significantly impact your ability to recover compensation in a personal injury… Read more »
Injuries and accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. When another party causes you to be injured, you might be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries. However, Pennsylvania’s Statute of Limitations restricts your time to file a personal injury lawsuit. Therefore, it is typically a good idea to talk to an Erie personal… Read more »
Most individuals underestimate the potential danger associated with a car accident in a parking lot because typically vehicles are going at slower speeds. Unfortunately, however, parking lot accidents can still yield catastrophic injuries. With varying traffic patterns, unique layouts to parking lots and more pedestrians and cyclists, it is easy to see, however, why so… Read more »