During the holidays, many individuals include alcohol in their holiday celebrations. The holidays are a common time for many teenagers to try alcohol for the first time. Peer pressure and an increase in the opportunities to engage in drinking can make it difficult for some teens to say no to alcohol during the holidays. However,… Read more »
underage drinking lawyer
Is an Underage Drinking Citation a Serious Charge in Pennsylvania?
The Supreme Court nomination hearings have spurred a national discussion about underage drinking, among other topics. However, many students may believe that a Pennsylvania underage drinking citation is not a serious matter. Therefore, to help parents and students understand the consequences of underage drinking, we discuss some of the potential penalties. The Legal Drinking Age… Read more »
Defending Students Facing Underage Drinking Charges
Facing Charges for Underage Drinking? PA Defense Attorney Grant C. Travis is Here To Help Minor In Possession Charges