Warren PA Injury Lawyer

How Do I Investigate Nursing Home Abuse?

How Do I Investigate Nursing Home Abuse?

According to the National Council on Aging, one out of every 10 older Americans has been subjected to some form of abuse. Because we want to protect our loved ones who are living in nursing homes, knowing the signs of abuse is important, so it can be reported and investigated. This is especially important since many cases of elder abuse are never reported. When family members know the signs to look for, they can be proactive in preventing these types of harm to their loved ones. 

Pennsylvania Ignition Interlock Program

Pennsylvania Ignition Interlock Program

Ignition interlock systems are required for those with high blood alcohol levels or for those who refuse to take a Breathalyzer test. If the individual wishes to drive under a restricted license, they must have an interlock system installed in their vehicle. It must remain in the vehicle for as long as the restricted license is operational. 

Sports With the Highest Incidence of Injuries

Sports With the Highest Incidence of Injuries

Sports are not without risk. In fact, almost two million people are hurt every year due to sports-related injuries. No one is spared, and approximately 1.35 million minors are seen in the emergency room annually due to an injury. There are many types of sports-related injuries, and some are more serious than others. They range from bruises and lacerations to fractures and traumatic brain injuries. It is important to maintain a safety profile to keep the number of injuries low. Let’s look at some common sports-related injuries in the country.

Asking for a Lawyer at a DUI Stop

Asking for a Lawyer at a DUI Stop

Asking for a lawyer at a DUI stop may not be granted. The difference between being stopped for drunk driving or caught in a DUI stop is that the individual is not always arrested on the spot or read their Miranda Rights. However, in many instances, the police officer does not need to question the person and relies on evidence such as what is recorded on a dash cam.

At the scene, the officer may record dialogue they had with the suspected drunk driver, his or her actions when tested to show an elevated alcohol level or a Breathalyzer test is administered. The officer does not need to read the Miranda Rights to do these.

Is Insurance Coverage Important in a Personal Injury Case?

Insurance coverage is an important factor in a personal injury claim, especially in Pennsylvania. In the first place, Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. Second, knowing that insurance coverage is available makes it reasonably certain that if a case is resolved in your favor, you will be paid. Without this coverage, an injured party may have to pay for all damages out of their own pocket. Since this is impossible for many people in the state, we need to become familiar with the types of and need for insurance coverage. 

Experienced Road Rash Injury Lawyers

Road rash is an injury that occurs to those who are involved in an accident while riding a bicycle, motorcycle, skateboard, scooter or just walking along. Although most people can imagine that friction rash is painful, what they might not know is that it can have serious consequences. When a negligent driver or government entity was the reason for the accident injury, the injured person may be able to recover compensation.

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Have you finished your holiday shopping list? If there are children on your gift giving list, you must be careful when choosing toys for kids. Some toys are not appropriate for certain ages. The toy might be perfectly safe for its intended use, but if you give it to a child who is too young… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

How Do the Changes in Car Seat Recommendations Impact Pennsylvania’s Seat Belt Laws?

Protecting your child when he or she is in a vehicle is a top priority. For that reason, many parents research car seats to choose a car seat that provides maximum protection for their child. With that in mind, we wanted to alert parents to a change in the recommendations regarding rear-facing car seats. What… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What Are The Most Dangerous Car Accidents?

There are thousands of car accidents in Pennsylvania each year. According to PennDOT, there are approximately 351 reportable traffic accidents each day statewide. On average, three people are killed each day, and 221 people are injured in traffic accidents.  During 2017, the state recorded 128,188 traffic crashes. The accidents took the lives of 1,137 people… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Do Multiple-Vehicle Crashes Make Accident Claims More Difficult?

Many of the traffic accidents in Erie, Edinboro, and the surrounding areas in Erie County involve one or two vehicles.  In a traffic accident involving two drivers, it is usually easy to determine fault in most, but not all, of those accidents. However, some traffic accidents involve multiple vehicles. Multiple-vehicle accidents can make it much… Read more »