How Important Is Wearing a Seat Belt for Preventing Accidents?

Police officers in Erie, Pennsylvania frequently see car crashes where individuals are not wearing seat belts. These car crashes can have catastrophic consequences. In the year 2011, seat belts were responsible for saving an estimated number of up to 12,000 lives.
A Seat Belt Can’t Save You Unless You Wear It
It was also further estimated that more than 3,000 people could still be alive if they had been wearing their seat belts at the time of the accident. According to research conducted by seatbelt manufacturers and proponents, shoulder and lap belts minimize the risk of critical injuries and fatalities by as much as 50%, but these tools cannot do their job unless they are worn all the time.
It should go without saying that you should always wear a seatbelt either as a driver or a car passenger, but there are plenty of grave tales of fatal car accidents where someone skipped buckling up and paid the ultimate price.
Why It’s A Good Idea NOT To Be Thrown From A Vehicle In A Crash – Brain Injuries
Any kind of vehicle accident can lead to dangerous injuries whether it is a head-on collision, a rollover accident, a T-bone accident, or a rear-end collision. Failing to wear a seatbelt could put you at greater risk of being thrown about in the vehicle. One of the most devastating injuries you can sustain in this situation is that of a traumatic brain injury.
Research is still being conducted to explore the full range of traumatic brain injuries but being jostled around in the vehicle is one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries associated with car accidents.
Minimize Your Risk Of A Catastrophic Car Accident By Simply Wearing Your Seat Belt
Wearing your seatbelt is not only the law but it can significantly minimize the chances that you will be dealing with catastrophic injuries after an accident. Anytime that you get into a vehicle it is important that you wear your seatbelt and wear it properly. Parents should also be responsible for modeling good behavior for their children. A seatbelt may just save your life.
Have you recently been injured in an Erie car accident? Getting legal help may be a crucial first step towards protecting your future and getting you the medical attention you need. Contact an experienced Erie car accident attorney today. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of another driver, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your medical bills, out of pocket expenses, medical treatments and pain & suffering. Get your free consultation today to make an informed decision about your legal options.