What You Should Know About Common Defenses to Sexual Assault Charges

Sexual Assault Charges Are Serious
Being accused of sexual assault in Erie Pennsylvania is a serious matter and it is one that warrants the insight of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Even if you believe that your case will be handled properly by a public defender and that justice will prevail, there is simply too much on the line to leave the future to chance. The penalties for sexual assault in Pennsylvania can be severe.
Find Out Your Legal Options By Talking To A Defense Attorney
You need a criminal defense attorney experienced in handling criminal charges like this to give you the best possible chance to get out from underneath a situation like this. There are several different defenses that may apply based on your individual case and your criminal defense attorney can help you figure out what is most appropriate after a conversation with you. Your defenses might include, for example:
- Innocence
- Mental incapacity or insanity
- Consent
- Improper collection or storage of evidence
Only a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can evaluate the specifics of your case and determine the most important elements. Being accused of sexual assault is a serious matter and one that you should never minimize. Even if you believe that the evidence is on your side and that it is clear that you are innocent, you should not count on the system to protect you without the experienced insight of a criminal defense lawyer.
Accused Of Sexual Assault? Build A Strong Defense
Count on the criminal defense attorneys of The Travis Law Firm to develop a compelling defense of your case. Facts that may seem obvious to you need to be outlined and explained by an experienced attorney based on the rules and guidelines of the Pennsylvania court system. You can be sure that our Erie criminal defense attorneys have confidence in handling cases like this and we are committed to the best possible outcome for you.
Sexual Assault Accusations or Charges? Get Your Free Consultation
A potential conviction and even just the accusation of sexual assault is enough to do significant damage to your reputation, your career, and your life. Do not hesitate to reach out for help on these matters immediately. An Erie criminal defense attorney will evaluate your case and help you determine the appropriate next steps.