Safety Tips for Easter Egg Hunts from an Erie Injury Lawyer

Easter Egg hunts are a tradition during the Easter season. Many organizations host Easter Egg hunts. However, many families host their own hunts at their homes. While this classic Easter activity can be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon making family memories, it can also turn tragic if parents do not consider safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries.

Easter Egg Hunt Safety Tips

Some of the ways you can reduce the risk of injuries if you are hosting an Easter Egg hunt include:

  • Practicing Safe Coloring Methods — Creating dozens of colored Easter Eggs is a fun way to begin an Easter Egg hunt. However, you need to practice safe methods of coloring those eggs. Everyone needs to wash their hands before and after handling the eggs. Any eggs that are cracked should be thrown When using dyes, you need to make sure that all dyes are food-grade quality. You can avoid the issue by using plastic eggs and stickers for decorating.
  • Avoid Food Allergies — Ask parents of children attending the hunt for a list of any food allergies. Just to be on the safe side, you should avoid common allergens like dairy, gluten, and nuts. Alternatives include marshmallows, gummy candies, and crackers. You can also use small toys to fill Easter Eggs, but be careful of choking hazards for young children.
  • Use Prizes Instead of Filled Eggs — If you want to avoid candy in the eggs because of allergies, choking hazards, or contamination, fill the eggs with tickets or other items that can be “redeemed” for larger prizes after the hunt.
  • Secure Pets and Other Animals — Pets may want to join in the fun, but candy and plastic toys can pose hazards for pets. In addition, pets can become tripping hazards for children as they run to hunt eggs.
  • Avoid Dangers During the Hunt — Before the Easter Egg hunt, you should walk through the entire area to remove items that could pose a potential danger to the hunters. Garden tools, outdoor furniture, hoses, and other items should be removed and stored in a safe place. Limit the hunt area to discourage children from wandering too far.
  • Make a Map — If you are using real eggs for your Easter Egg hunt, make a map of the location of the eggs so that you can retrieve any eggs that are not found during the hunt. Also, inspect eggs after the hunt to throw away any eggs that were cracked or damaged during the hunt. It is usually safer to use plastic eggs to avoid any potential risks associated with using real eggs for an Easter Egg hunt.
  • No Running — It may be difficult for excited children to follow this rule; however, you need to try to enforce it. By having several adults stationed throughout the area, you can try to monitor children and remind them not to run during the hunt.

If you do not want to host an Easter Egg hunt, you can take your children to one of the several Erie Easter Egg hunts for 2018. The Erie Zoo Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, March 31. You can find more information on the zoo’s website.

Erie Personal Injury Law Firm

If you are injured in an accident, contact The Travis Law Firm at (800) 401-2066 to request a free legal consultation with an experienced Erie accident attorney.