How Do I Recover Compensation for Injuries and Damages After an Accident?

If another party has injured you through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to recover compensation from that party. However, you typically need to file a claim with the party’s insurance provider to recover compensation. Examples of incidents that can give rise to a personal injury claim include:

  • Car accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Slip and falls
  • Premises liability claims
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Commercial vehicle and large truck accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Nursing home abuse
  • Dog bites and dog attacks
  • DUI accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents

The injury laws in Pennsylvania allow for accident victims to receive compensation for a variety of damages. In addition to financial damages such as medical bills and lost wages, you might be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering damages. In addition, you might recover compensation for future damages if you have a permanent impairment.

Critical Steps to Take After an Accident

After an accident of any type, there are several critical steps that you must take to protect your right to recover compensation. First, you need to see a doctor. If you did not go to the hospital immediately after the accident, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Visiting your doctor allows you to receive a correct diagnosis and treatment plan for your injuries. Failure to obtain medical care or follow up with your doctor could hurt your claim.

In addition to seeking medical care for your injuries, other steps that you should take after an accident include:

  • Obtain a copy of the police report or accident report (Our legal team handles this step for you.)
  • Request copies of all medical records (Our legal team also handles this step for you.)
  • Maintain a record of all expenses and losses related to the accident, your injury, and your recovery.
  • Obtain evidence from the accident scene and eyewitnesses to substantiate your claim of fault and liability. (We will do this for you too.)
  • File a claim with the insurance provider for the responsible party. (Again, our legal team handles this step for you.)
  • Negotiate a settlement with insurance adjusters after you complete your treatment. (Yes, we handle all negotiations and contact with the insurance company.)

As you can see from the above list, our Erie car accident attorney handles most of the critical steps that you need to take when filing a personal injury claim. In addition to handling these critical steps, an attorney also provides support, guidance, and legal advice regarding your claim. An attorney can help you avoid making mistakes during your case that could lower the amount of money you receive for your personal injury claim.

Some of the Things You Should Avoid After You Are Injured

In addition to the critical steps you should take after an accident, there are some things that you should avoid doing when you have a pending personal injury claim.

  • Do not sign a medical release or medical authorization for the insurance company for the other party without consulting with an attorney.
  • Avoid using social media or posting information online until you talk to your Erie personal injury attorney. You could hurt your case by what you post online.
  • Do not provide a written or recorded statement to the insurance company for the other party without discussing this with an attorney.

Contact an Erie Personal Injury Attorney for a Free Case Review

Learn more about filing a personal injury claim in Pennsylvania during a free case review. It does not cost you anything to obtain the information and advice you need to protect your legal rights.

Contact The Travis Law Firm at (800) 401-2066 to request a free legal consultation with our Erie personal injury lawyer.