How Do Weather Events Impact the Roads in Pennsylvania?

Erie PA Winters Can Be Brutal

Anyone who has been driving in Pennsylvania for at least one winter seasons knows just how much the weather can influence the roads. Precipitation, whether in the form of rain, snow, or sleet, can impact the vehicle’s traction to the road. Unfortunately, some people are less experienced in some of these conditions. A seasoned Erie driver knows to be extra cautious during inclement weather.

Regular Maintenance Checks Are Critical During Heavy Weather Months

Heavy salting on the roads can also have a negative impact on your vehicle. You might find, for example, that rust has begun to accumulate under your vehicle after a long winter of driving on salted roads. That’s why it’s a good idea to set up a maintenance check after the winter months to see whether or not your vehicle needs a deep cleaning on the underbelly.

Wet Roads Are More Dangerous Than You Think

Did you know that a majority of car accidents happen on wet roads? Less control over the vehicle and decreased visibility are some of the primary factors contributing to more accidents. Rain is a factor in 46 percent of car accidents caused by adverse weather, while snow is involved in 22 percent of accidents.

Although your vehicle is designed to be safe on the road at all times, even experienced snow drivers can find themselves at the whims of Mother Nature during a rainstorm or blizzard. Use the following tips to decrease the chances that you’ll be involved in a serious car accident during any adverse weather event.

  • Always use your lights when visibility is compromised. Check your lights once before you leave the house so that you don’t discover one has blown out when you’re in desperate need of better visibility.
  • Make sure the tread on your tires is in good shape. If not, have them rotated or replaced. Tires may already struggle to grip the ground in rain or snow, and worn-out tires can put you behind the wheel during a critical accident.
  • Pull over or slow down during heavy precipitation. If you can’t see the road in front of you, no appointment or errand is more important than your life. Always adjust your speed based on weather events, and pull over and stop if your visibility and vehicle control are compromised.

Were You In A Car Accident That Was Not Your Fault?

Were you involved in an accident because someone else didn’t know how to drive properly in heavy rain or snow? If negligence is at fault, contact an experienced Erie personal injury attorney as soon as possible to determine your next steps. Click here to schedule your free consultation with an Erie PA Car Accident Attorney at The Travis Law Firm today.