Erie personal injury lawyer

How Long Can I Wait to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Injuries in an Accident?

How Long Can I Wait to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Injuries in an Accident?

Injuries and accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. When another party causes you to be injured, you might be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries. However, Pennsylvania’s Statute of Limitations restricts your time to file a personal injury lawsuit. Therefore, it is typically a good idea to talk to an Erie personal… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

When Do I Call an Erie Personal Injury Attorney?

If you are injured through no fault of your own, you may be wondering what you should do next. How do you recover compensation for your losses? Do you need to file an insurance claim? Should you file a personal injury lawsuit? When should you call an Erie personal injury attorney? Our Erie personal injury… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

If I Hire an Erie Personal Injury Attorney, Will I Have to Go to Court?

Pennsylvania personal injury laws provide a way for you to recover compensation for injuries, losses, and damages caused by another party. An Erie personal injury attorney can help you file an injury claim. By filing a personal injury claim, you may receive compensation for your: Loss of Income Medical Bills Property Damage Disability and Impairment… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

How to Stay Safe and Healthy in Erie This Winter

It is bitterly cold outside in Erie, and we probably have not seen the last of winter weather this year. When it is icy and cold outside, it is best to stay indoors where it is warm. However, we cannot always stay at home, even though winter weather makes going outside difficult and dangerous. Below… Read more »

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Do You Know How to Purchase Safe Toys for the Holidays?

Have you finished your holiday shopping list? If there are children on your gift giving list, you must be careful when choosing toys for kids. Some toys are not appropriate for certain ages. The toy might be perfectly safe for its intended use, but if you give it to a child who is too young… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What is Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation?

When a person suffers a spinal cord injury in an accident, the injury could result in life-altering conditions. In many cases, spinal cord injury rehabilitation is necessary as part of the treatment plan for an SCI. A complete spinal cord injury causes a total loss of mobility and feeling below the site of the injury…. Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Are You Ready for Halloween 2018 in Erie?

We love to share Halloween events with our clients are readers each year. However, Macaroni Kid has beat us to the task. The talented writers and researchers at Macaroni Kid have done a fantastic job of tracking down Halloween events in Erie. Therefore, we refer you to their website for the longest list of Halloween… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Preventing Dog Bites During Halloween Trick or Treating

Dog owners are responsible for injuries caused by their dogs under Pennsylvania’s personal injury laws. A dog owner may be held liable if their dog bites or attacks another person if the injury is severe or the owner had reasonable notice the dog was potentially dangerous. If a dog injures you or your child, you… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

How Do the Changes in Car Seat Recommendations Impact Pennsylvania’s Seat Belt Laws?

Protecting your child when he or she is in a vehicle is a top priority. For that reason, many parents research car seats to choose a car seat that provides maximum protection for their child. With that in mind, we wanted to alert parents to a change in the recommendations regarding rear-facing car seats. What… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Back To School Safety Tips for Erie County Students and Parents

Summer break has come to an end and the day that student dread and parents cherish has arrived — the first day of school. As the new school year begins in Erie County, it is important for parents and students to review how to stay safe on their way to and from school. Drivers, parents,… Read more »