Erie personal injury lawyer

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What Are The Most Dangerous Car Accidents?

There are thousands of car accidents in Pennsylvania each year. According to PennDOT, there are approximately 351 reportable traffic accidents each day statewide. On average, three people are killed each day, and 221 people are injured in traffic accidents.  During 2017, the state recorded 128,188 traffic crashes. The accidents took the lives of 1,137 people… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Why Is It Taking So Long to Settle My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

It can be very frustrating to know that another driver was responsible for your motorcycle crash, but your claim is still not settled. The other driver was clearly wrong, the police officer issued a traffic ticket to the other driver, and you suffered serious injuries in the accident. So, why is it taking so long… Read more »


How Do I Prove Someone is Responsible for My Injuries?

If you are injured because of a traffic accident, dog bite, fall, defective product, medical malpractice, or other personal injury accident, Pennsylvania’s personal injury laws allow you to recover compensation from the party who caused your injury. However, you must prove that the person or party caused the injury to recover compensation for damages. Hiring… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Why Doesn’t The Insurance Company Want Me To Hire an Erie Personal Injury Lawyer?

When you are injured in an accident, you may not know what steps to take to protect your legal right to receive compensation for your injuries. Hiring an Erie personal injury attorney can help relieve the stress and anxiety that many accident victims experience after a traumatic event. An attorney can deal directly with the… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

What Happens to A Person’s Body in an Erie Car Crash?

Motor vehicles are safer today than they have ever been; however, people are still seriously injured in car crashes each day in the United States. Each year, thousands of people die in car accidents, and millions more suffer injuries. While the use of seatbelts, airbags, and other safety devices can reduce the risk of death… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Fireworks Safety Tips and July 4 Events in Erie PA

Are you going to be using fireworks to celebrate Independence Day this year? If so, it is a good idea to review general safety tips for the use of fireworks to avoid injuries. Some general safety tips include: Always have a responsible adult supervise the use of fireworks. Fireworks and alcohol are not a good… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Four Reasons Not to Sign a Settlement Agreement Without an Erie Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in an accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries if another party caused the injury. By law, when a person or party causes an injury because of negligence or a wrongful act, that party can be held liable for damages resulting from the injury. Examples of personal… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Safety Tips for Easter Egg Hunts from an Erie Injury Lawyer

Easter Egg hunts are a tradition during the Easter season. Many organizations host Easter Egg hunts. However, many families host their own hunts at their homes. While this classic Easter activity can be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon making family memories, it can also turn tragic if parents do not consider safety measures… Read more »

What Should I Do If the Insurance Company Denies My Accident Claim?

Is There a Reason Why an Erie Injury Lawyer Won’t Handle My Claim?

You may be wondering if you have a valid personal injury claim and whether you should contact a lawyer. In most cases, when someone injures another person, the law allows the victim to recover compensation for losses, injuries, and damages. However, there are cases in which the victim may not recover damages because of a… Read more »

Attorney Grant Travis | Travis Law Firm | Personal Injury Attorney, DUI Defense Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney | Serving Erie, Crawford, Warren & all of Northwestern PA | Call the Travis Law Firm at 814-277-2222 today!

Who Pays for a DUI Accident in Erie, PA?

If you are injured in a DUI accident, the fault for the crash seems obvious — the drunk driver is at fault. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime. Drunk drivers in Erie face severe penalties and punishments for a DUI conviction. In most cases, proving liability in a drunk driving accident case… Read more »