It may not seem like a big deal to enjoy a beer or two at a frat party, especially if you have no intention of driving afterward. However, drinking under the age of 21 is considered illegal in Pennsylvania, and you could face serious consequences if you are caught. All it takes is one phone… Read more »
Edinboro University Defense Attorney

What's The Difference Between A Misdemeanor and a Felony In Pennsylvania?
Charged With a Felony or Misdemeanor? Being accused of any crime in Pennsylvania can be unnerving and a conviction could lead to serious ramifications. Whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony, it is imperative that you hold off from making any statements to or agreements with the police until you have had a… Read more »

How Does My Conviction Impact My Ability to Receive Federal Student Aid?
Any college student in the Erie area who is facing a criminal charge such as underage drinking or driving under the influence probably has many questions about how a possible conviction could influence their life. Being in college, you have major concerns about your ability to access federal student aid. Since many individuals rely on… Read more »