We are excited for the upcoming Erie motorcycle events for this summer. Roar on the Shore One of the largest events is Roar on the Shore. The 2017 Roar on the Shore event marks the 11th year we have celebrated Bike Week in Erie, PA. The event officially opens in downtown Erie on July 12… Read more »
Erie County PA Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Look Twice, Look Three Times, Look Four Times . . . JUST LOOK!
As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, more riders take their motorcycles out of winter hibernation to enjoy our beautiful Pennsylvania roads. The warmer spring weather means you will be sharing the road with more motorcycles. Even though some motorcyclists ride year-round, many riders put up their motorcycles for winter. Therefore, it… Read more »
What Are The Biggest Dangers To Motorcyclists
Riding a motorcycle can be a fun experience, but it also comes with an increased risk of a traffic accident and injury. Unfortunately, many of the dangers faced by motorcyclists are from other drivers. They simply don’t watch for motorcyclists. However, other drivers are not the only dangers riders face when they are on the… Read more »

Motorcycle Season Starts Now
Actually, the season officially started over the last few weeks, but April is when all the events start. The weather should be better this weekend, and no doubt, bikers will be pulling their rides out of the garage with the first sight of sunshine. Initial reports are for temperatures to approach 70 degrees on Sunday,… Read more »