Lawyers know how to defend their clients in court and present DUI defense tactics that can have cases thrown out or charges reduced.

Lawyers know how to defend their clients in court and present DUI defense tactics that can have cases thrown out or charges reduced.
To protect yourself and your rights, it is essential to have an experienced DUI defense lawyer on your side when facing charges.
Plea bargaining is a process that may be available to those charged with DUI in Pennsylvania without going to trial.
Avoid handling your DUI case on your own if you are facing charges by contacting an experienced attorney. Call the Travis Law Firm.
Driving impaired during the holidays can lead to dire consequences. When this happens you need an experienced DUI defense. Call Travis Law.
Medicine can have side effects that can cause drowsiness or confusion, both of which can lead to auto accidents.
DUI defense in Pennsylvania is a complex and ever-changing area of the law and you need an experienced attorney.. Call Travis Law.
If you have committed your first DUI in Pennsylvania, you might qualify for the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program.
A number of cities in Pennsylvania have decriminalized the use of marijuana, but that doesn’t mean it’s legal. Driving under the influence of marijuana is completely different and viewed as impaired motoring. A driver who tests positive for any amount at all can end up being charged with DUI, even if you have a prescription for it from your doctor to treat your medical condition because Pennsylvania is a no-tolerance state.
Ignition interlock systems are required for those with high blood alcohol levels or for those who refuse to take a Breathalyzer test. If the individual wishes to drive under a restricted license, they must have an interlock system installed in their vehicle. It must remain in the vehicle for as long as the restricted license is operational.