Most drivers have heard of reckless driving; however, some drivers don’t believe that reckless driving is a serious offense. The penalties for a reckless driving conviction can be serious. If you are intoxicated at the time of your arrest, you can be charged with ‘wet’ reckless driving. Is there a difference? Should you accept a… Read more »
DUI attorney in Edinboro
Myths Or Truth – Can You Tell Which Of These Myths About Alcohol Consumption Is True?
If you enjoy consuming alcohol on occasion or even on a regular basis, you may have heard a lot of stories about how to avoid getting drunk. Many of these stories are myths. While it is certainly okay to enjoy alcohol, it is not okay to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking…. Read more »
Can Pennsylvania Lower The Legal Limit For DUIs?
While nothing is currently pending before Pennsylvania lawmakers, they may be watching Utah’s lawmakers very closely. In fact, many states may be watching Utah very closely right now. Utah is set to become one of the toughest states on DUIs with a new law that lawmakers passed last week. According to the Associated Press, Utah… Read more »
Sideswipe Car Accidents In Edinboro, PA
You do not hear much about sideswipe car accidents; however, these types of accidents are common near colleges where roads may be more narrow due to students parking along the side of the roads. Another common cause of sideswipe accidents is when one car is attempting to merge onto a highway or another lane and… Read more »
How Much Will I Pay For An Ignition Interlock Device For First Offense DUI Conviction?
Being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol is a pretty serious offense. A DUI conviction has major consequences that impact you for months or years after the fact. When you are out with friends, it can be easy to make a poor decision resulting in a DUI charge. Unfortunately, the penalties for a… Read more »
Can Drinking Diet Drinks Increase Risk Of A DUI Charge?
Many people are watching their weight; therefore, as the holiday season gets closer, many people will choose to enjoy their alcohol cocktails with diet sodas. However, a study revealed that mixing alcohol with diet drinks results in a higher alcohol concentration on the breath than alcohol mixed with regular soda. Researchers had men and women… Read more »