The Travis Law Firm Blog

Experienced Road Rash Injury Lawyers

Road rash is an injury that occurs to those who are involved in an accident while riding a bicycle, motorcycle, skateboard, scooter or just walking along. Although most people can imagine that friction rash is painful, what they might not know is that it can have serious consequences. When a negligent driver or government entity was the reason for the accident injury, the injured person may be able to recover compensation.

Criminal Law Definition and Examples

If you are facing a criminal charge, it is important for you to know what this area of the law is. Criminal acts can be complicated and are punishable by the government. Let’s take a look at criminal law definitions and examples of the types of crimes.

Motorcycle Safety in Erie, Pennsylvania

Motorcycle safety is not a one-way street. Enjoying riding safely depends on both the motorcyclist and the motorist. Since 2020, 5,458 motorcyclist fatalities were recorded nationwide along with roughly 80,000 injured riders. With eight million motorcycles on the road nationwide, someone is paying attention. Let’s look at motorcycle statistics, rider safety protocols and drivers who pay attention to motorcyclists sharing the road with them. 

How to Win a Slip and Fall Case

With over three times the national average, Erie, Pennsylvania gets about 45 inches of snow each year. While beautiful, snow can have its downsides. One drawback to its beauty is the incidence of slip and fall accidents on icy surfaces. Injuries are common and the cost of being laid up and treating a broken arm or leg can be high. If the mishap occurs in front of private property or a commercial business that failed to clear the sidewalks, it is possible to recover damages by filing a slip and fall claim. Winning the claim may be another matter.

Why Hire an Injury Lawyer after a Commercial Semi-Truck Accident?

Cars typically weigh about 1.5 tons, while truck trailers can weigh up to 40 tons and are much larger. The extra weight and size make a huge difference in the outcome of the crash. A commercial semi-truck accident could leave an automobile driver severely injured and permanently disabled whereas truckers are usually uninjured in the crash.

Erie Pedestrian Accidents: Who Is Liable?

When a pedestrian is injured in an accident and wants to recover compensation, they have to find out who is liable for their injuries. After all, medical bills may be mounting, the injured person is unable to work and without any income and, of course, the pain and suffering they are enduring isn’t their fault. Keep reading to find out how you can get the compensation you deserve and who may be at fault for your injuries.

The legal team at The Travis Law Firm can successfully handle your pedestrian injury accident because we work hard to obtain compensation. We believe it’s difficult enough to suffer an injury, but when it was the fault of someone else, they are the ones who should pay, not you.